Case Study

Win More Employer Group RFPs by Working Smarter, Not Harder

For a Top 10 National Payer, responding efficiently to Employer Group Benefits RFPs was a heavy lift.

Who We Helped

Network Manager at a Top 10 National Payer

Their Challenge

The Sales team at a Top 10 National Payer needed to stand out from their competitors when responding to Employer Group Benefits RFPs. To do so, quickly generating network access reports was critical for strong RFP responses.


Quest Enterprise ServicesTM (QESTM) Access Reporting solution allows your Sales and Proposal teams to create network access reports in a self-service environment, making it easier for them to respond to more Employer Group RFPs efficiently and faster. Learn More


The Top 10 National Payer’s team of network analysts was overloaded with requests for network access reports. With tight turnaround time requirements especially with the seasonal variability of the reports, report re-runs, and staff shortages, the Network Manager needed a way to automate the process of creating standard network access reports from days to minutes and free the analyst team to focus on more strategic and complex network reports.  The team of analysts needed to optimize their process of generating network reports for Sales to respond to Employer Group Benefits RFPs. They needed to reduce the time it took to run the network reports, be able to run the network reports simultaneously and track the usage over time. 
“Our analysts were overloaded with requests from the Sales team. The analysts were spending 50% of their time just generating network reports. We needed to reduce the time it took to generate the network reports from days to minutes.”  
The National Payer not only wanted to respond to Employer Group RFPs more efficiently but also respond to more Employer Group RFPs. This led the network manager to ask this essential question: 
“How can we refine our network report generation process, maximize our efficiency, and automate our network reporting as much as possible?” 
They turned to Quest Analytics for insight into how their existing approach to the problem of generating network reports could be addressed differently. 
“I wanted a different solution for increasing the volume of network reports. Our solution in the past was to add additional analysts.” 
His research saw a need for a cloud-based tool for Sales to be empowered to automate the generation of the network reports. This brought him to contact Quest AnalyticsTM about QES Access Reporting. 


By implementing the user-friendly SaaS-based QES Access Reporting self-service tool, the Top 10 National Payer’s Sales team was empowered to create network reports quickly and easily to respond to Employer Group RFPs. The process of generating network reports was reduced from days to minutes. Minimum training was needed, and the Sales team was able to find the best product/network fit without having to rely on the analyst team. In turn, the analyst team could focus on strategic tasks versus standard network report generation. 

The new process standardized their data and network report templates, incorporated automation, enabled concurrent job processing and provided the Sales team with self-service network report generation capabilities from anywhere. In 5 easy steps, their Sales team could generate network reports in a self-serve environment while the network operations team-maintained consistency of the provider data and output. 

The Time And Money Savings

With the Quest Analytics QES Access Reporting tool, we were able to save 1.25 hours per network report resulting in 20,000 total hours in time savings over 6 months. Given our annual investment and annualized savings, we achieved a 5.9% return on investment!

Going Forward

Given the positive results achieved from using QES Access Reporting by our Sales team, we plan to accelerate the usage of the product.

Learn More About QES Access Reporting:

Quest Enterprise Services (QES) Access Reporting allows your Sales and Proposal Teams to create network access reports in a self-service environment, making it easier for them to quickly respond to Employer Group RFPs and find the best product/network fit without having to rely on the analyst team quickly and efficiently.

Provide your Sales and Proposal teams with the network access reports they need, get network information to decision-makers sooner and free up valuable analyst time for more strategic business efforts.

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