Quest Enterprise Services™ (QES™) | Network Performance

Network Benchmarking

Benchmark your Network, Lead the Market

Comprehensive comparative insights for efficient market entry and refined network optimization.

Design for market dynamics

About Network Benchmarking

In the fast-paced, competitive healthcare market, having a clear understanding of your network’s strengths and opportunities is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Network Benchmarking empowers you to enter new markets strategically and refine existing networks to meet your business objectives. Gone are the days of laborious benchmarking processes, dependent on outdated and incomplete data. Quest Analytics’ solution harnesses proprietary data, sourced directly from payers and validated by regulators, to provide a true representation of the available networks. By integrating this with provider claims and public data, we deliver the most powerful network comparative insights available, enabling you to quickly gauge your position relative to your competitors in a crowded marketplace and make data-driven decisions with confidence. Welcome to the future of network strategy.

Build Differentiated Networks

Before market entry, gain an in-depth understanding of market landscapes to architect networks superior in quality and cost-efficiency, setting your offerings apart from competitors.

Refine Networks with Competitive Insights

Bolster network performance by engaging in critical benchmarking practices and identifying key areas for improvement and differentiation.

Align Network Design with Market Dynamics

Align product strategy with network design to navigate market competition effectively and help ensure cost-efficient care.

Understand Provider Gap Landscape

Identify areas where competitor networks meet or lack in provider adequacy and strategically enhance network capabilities to improve member access.

Enhance Sales & Marketing Strategies

Gain actionable insights to understand the uniqueness of a market position and communicate a compelling value proposition.

Comparing to other networks
Comparing to other networks


Health plans and regulators increasingly use our Network Benchmarking solution to improve provider network management, design, and performance. This powerful tool offers actionable insights, enabling organizations to craft superior high-performing provider networks that stand out in the competitive healthcare market. With our comprehensive insights, you can refine your strategies and ensure provider network adequacy — leading to improved healthcare outcomes for members.

Select Relevant Competitors

Utilize network adequacy and data-driven provider selection to deliver higher-quality care, leading to better patient outcomes and increased member loyalty.

Demonstrate and Promote Market Leadership

Establish your position as a leader in the healthcare market by offering innovative and well-structured networks that provide exceptional care compared to competing plans.

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Strategic Network Optimization

Compare networks against market peers and understand payer network participation by significant health systems through an interactive dashboard, enabling strategic enhancements at various levels.

Difficult to Fill Gap Resolution

Fill gaps quickly by identifying high-quality, cost-effective providers, enhancing network adequacy and member care.

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We are committed to assisting you in your quest to achieve the Quadruple Aim – lowering costs and ensuring high quality of care while empowering patient and clinician experiences with actionable insights.

Schedule a consultative session with one of our health systems experts to discuss and determine your strategy.

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