Vice President of Regional Payers


I’m here to help you gain a comprehensive view of your provider data, enabling you to make strategic decisions about your network and achieve the best possible care for your members.


In the face of rising healthcare costs and changing consumer demands, my team and I partner with healthcare business leaders who are looking to adopt strategic, purposefully built solutions, all with one goal in mind – to improve provider network design, optimization, and management.

We are passionate about educating healthcare business leaders on SOP and best practices they can deploy to create a better consumer experience for their customers, while transforming internal processes, creating efficiencies, and driving profitability.

Discover Your Opportunity, Network Build and ROI

When you’re preparing to expand your Medicare Advantage Provider Network footprint, it’s important to understand the costs and potential ROI of adding new counties. In this video, Eliza Hoffman, VP of Regional Payers, shares how she and her team can help you understand the network build effort to expand into each desired county, the potential ROI upon achieving average enrollment, and which providers to contract with to quickly and efficiently fill specialty gaps. Schedule your Complimentary Opportunity Analysis today!

What To Do When Your Medicare Advantage Contract Is In Jeopardy

Discovering network deficiencies after submitting your HSD table to CMS can be stressful. Where should you start if you want to quickly add providers to the network? Eliza Hoffman, our VP of Regional Payers Segment, shares the answer.

How Provider Network Management Teams Position Themselves for Success

As health plans evolve to keep pace with today’s ever-changing requirements, Provider Network Management teams must adapt their data management strategies to support provider data accuracy, transparency, and automation. Eliza Hoffman, VP of Regional Payers, shares our top strategies for maintaining a thriving – and compliant provider network.



Our team is ready to help you address the challenges provider data presents. We want to help you take your member experiences to the next level and avoid regulatory risks, like audits, and meet the mandates around surprise billing.

Contact us today to book a strategy session to understand and provide guidance to limit your exposure.

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